Reaching All Learners
Learning experiences designed to empower every student.

iPad and Mac are all-in-one assistive devices, with free and built in accessibility features to support students with a range of differing needs to access the curriculum and become independent learners.

Talk to iStore Education about:

Reducing the cost of multiple assistive devices, by replacing single-use devices with iPad, Macs and apps.

Specialised training for teachers, therapists, assistant and lecturers to suit the needs of your learners.

Specialised training for parents to better support their children with their devices at home.

For inclusive/full service schools we offer a full support programme, including an audit of all your accessibility needs from physical, language and including digital accessibility.

Discover how iStore Education can help you

Accessibility Academy course

Learn how you can use iPad technology to successfully include, understand and empower children with disabilities and learning barriers in inclusive and special needs education. We know how challenging it is to have so many diverse needs in one classroom, and this course aims to support you.

Some instant Apple Accessibility resources:

Special education resources

Special education app collection

Apple’s YouTube
Accessibility playlist

A few more resources to support you:

Apple General Accessibility

Apple Mobility Accessibility

Apple Hearing Accessibility

Apple Vision Accessibility

Apple cognitive Accessibility

Apple Technology to Support Learning for Students with Sensory and Learning Disabilities

Our Education team on your team

Find out how we can work together to make sure your institution is equipped with the best education technology to support your goals.