Jack Parrow on creative writing with iPad Pro and Apple Pencil
Portable, light and efficient - we could go on and on about why we love iPad Pro and how easily it can be incorporated into your personal life or business profession but we wanted you to hear it from someone else.
We sat down with creative writing mastermind Jack Parow and had a chat about what he loves most about his iPad Pro.
Ever since Jack was a kid writing took a hold of him “as soon as I started to understand the forms and how to create them it was all I wanted to do. Notes turned into pages, pages turned into stories, stories turned into music, music turned into lyrics and then writing ended up becoming my actual profession!”
One of his favourite aspects of writing is that your handwriting is so personal, a sense of being your own and no one else’s - just like your unique fingerprint.
Technology started to change over time and along with this so did the form of writing:
“flowing personal forms to blocky arial and times new roman”. He felt his text lost its personality but his writing continued.
Thanks to iPad Pro and Apple pencil that nostalgic time of the hand written word is brought back and integrated with our current modern technological times.
“I had all but given up on my handwriting and retired to the conforms of blocky text on a screen when a friend told me to try his iPad Pro. It’s an amazing little device and has really brought back a love of writing and the forms of the words and shapes. There is something about your own handwriting that really inspires you and I have really seen that while writing my new album, it’s inspired me over and over again and has made my writing process so much easier and fun.”
To make the most out of iPad Pro and to really appreciate the writing experience and so much more, you will need the Apple Pencil. Jack finds that there is “no delay and really, it glides across the screen and gives just the right amount of resistance to make it feel like you are actually writing with a pen. It’s amazing.”
Not only can you write notes with the Apple Pencil you can edit, mark up a PDF or electronically sign documents with ease.
“I haven't even really started experimenting with the mirrored display yet, you can draw and edit in anything from photoshop and premiere etc by basically just mirroring your screen to your iPad.”
Another neat trick you can do with Apple Pencil on the iPad Pro is the writing to text converter. Simply write out your sentence and it will convert to text. Jack has learned that if you are writing in Afrikaans the best text to converter app is Nebo.
“If you enjoy writing, drawing or basically anything creative, this is a tool that should be in your backpack at all times. - Jack Parow
Apps featured in this piece
Adobe Photoshop Express
Adobe Premiere Clip - Create, edit & share videos
MyScript Nebo
Get your iPad Pro and Apple Pencil today at www.istore.co.za.