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Elevated in every way.

Smart activity coaching. An enhanced Heart Rate app. Your favourite playlists right on your wrist. And a built-in altimeter. Introducing Apple Watch Series 3. Now you can be more active, motivated and connected than ever.1

Ultimate Sports Watch

Take your
workouts further.

GPS and Altimeter

See how far and
high you go.


Stay motivated
with your favourite
playlists on your wrist.2


Always ready
for the pool
or ocean.3

Workout App

Track a casual
hike, an intense
ride and
everything in

Intelligent Activity Tracker

Three rings.
One goal.

Move, Exercise, Stand

Make closing all
three Activity
rings your goal
each day.

Smart Coaching

A nudge when
you need it.

Activity Sharing

Stay motivated
by competing
with and
cheering on
your friends.


Apple Watch
celebrates each
with you.

Powerful Health Tool

Keep your body
top of mind.

Heart Rate App

Keep tabs on
your resting,
walking and
workout recovery
heart rate.

Breathe App

Quiet your mind.
Relax your body.

Third-Party Health Apps

Drink more water.
Improve your
sleep. Be a
healthier you.

Health App on iPhone

One app for all
your health and
fitness data.

All-Day Assistant

Run your day. 
Right from your wrist.

Phone and Messages

Send messages,
make calls,
get meeting


Now Siri is faster
and smarter
than ever.

Watch Faces

All kinds of faces
All customisable.

Apps and notifications

Never miss
what matters.

  • Apple Watch Series 3 require an iPhone 6s or later with iOS 13 or later.
  • Apple Music requires a subscription.
  • Apple Watch Series 3 has a water resistance rating of 50 metres under ISO standard 22810:2010. This means that it may be used for shallow-water activities like swimming in a pool or ocean. However, Apple Watch Series 3 should not be used for scuba diving, waterskiing, or other activities involving high-velocity water or submersion below shallow depth.

Selection may vary. Some straps are sold separately.

Some features may not be available in all countries or regions.

AirPods are sold separately.